.. vim: set filetype=rst Known Issues ============ Some users have reported that normalize-by-median.py will utilize more memory than it was configured for. This is being investigated in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/266 Some FASTQ files confuse our parser when running with more than one thread. For example, while using load-into-counting.py. If you experience this then add "--threads=1" to your command line. This issue is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/249 If your counting or presence table gets truncated, perhaps from a full filesystem, then our tools currently will get stuck. This is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/247 and https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/96 and https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/246 Paired-end reads from Casava 1.8 currently require renaming for use in normalize-by-median and abund-filter when used in paired mode. The integration of a fix for this is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/23 annotate-partitions.py only outputs FASTA even if given a FASTQ file. This issue is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/46 A user reported that abundance-dist-single.py fails with small files and many threads. This issue is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/75