.. This file is part of khmer, https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/, and is Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Michigan State University Copyright (C) 2015-2016 The Regents of the University of California. It is licensed under the three-clause BSD license; see LICENSE. Contact: khmer-project@idyll.org Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Michigan State University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Contact: khmer-project@idyll.org ================================ Releasing a new version of khmer ================================ This document is for khmer release managers, and details the process for making a new release of the khmer project. How to make a khmer release candidate ------------------------------------- Michael R. Crusoe, Luiz Irber, and C. Titus Brown have all been release makers, following this checklist by MRC. #. The below should be done in a clean checkout:: cd `mktemp -d` git clone git@github.com:dib-lab/khmer.git cd khmer #. (Optional) Check for updates to versioneer:: pip install --upgrade versioneer versioneer-installer git diff ./setup.py versioneer git diff git commit -m -a "new version of versioneer.py" # or git checkout -- versioneer.py khmer/_version.py khmer/__init__.py MANIFEST.in #. Review the git logs since the last release and diffs (if needed) and ensure that the ``ChangeLog`` is up to date:: git log --minimal --patch `git describe --tags --always --abbrev=0`..HEAD #. Review the issue list for any new bugs that will not be fixed in this release. Add them to ``doc/known-issues.txt`` #. Check for new authors. Update ``.mailmap`` to normalize their email address and name spelling. If they want to opt out update the ``list-*`` Makefile targets to exclude them. Run ``make list-citation`` and adapt the output to the relevant parts of ``CITATION``, ``setup.py``, ``doc/index.rst``. #. Verify that the build is clean: http://ci.oxli.org/job/khmer-master/ #. Run through the `API examples <../user/api-examples.html>`__ to verify they are still valid. #. Submit a build to Coverity Scan if it hasn't been done recently. You can get the token from https://gitlab.msu.edu/ged-lab/ged-internal-docs/wikis/coverity-scan or https://scan.coverity.com/projects/621?tab=project_settings :: virtualenv coverityenv source coverityenv/bin/activate make install-dependencies make clean cov_analysis_dir=~/src/coverity/cov-analysis-linux64-7.5.0/ make coverity-build COVERITY_TOKEN=${COVERITY_TOKEN} make coverity-upload #. Set your new version number and release candidate:: new_version=1.3 rc=rc1 and then tag the release candidate with the new version number prefixed by the letter 'v':: git tag v${new_version}-${rc} git push --tags git@github.com:dib-lab/khmer.git #. Test the release candidate. Bonus: repeat on Mac OS X:: cd .. virtualenv testenv1 virtualenv testenv2 virtualenv testenv3 virtualenv testenv4 # First we test the tag cd testenv1 source bin/activate git clone --depth 1 --branch v${new_version}-${rc} https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer.git cd khmer make install-dependencies make test normalize-by-median.py --version 2>&1 | grep khmer\ ${new_version}-${rc} && \ echo 1st manual version check passed pip uninstall -y khmer; pip uninstall -y khmer; make install mkdir ../not-khmer # if there is a subdir named 'khmer' nosetest will execute tests # there instead of the installed khmer module's tests pushd ../not-khmer; nosetests khmer --attr '!known_failing'; popd # Secondly we test via pip cd ../../testenv2 source bin/activate pip install -U setuptools==3.4.1 pip install -e git+https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer.git@v${new_version}-${rc}#egg=khmer cd src/khmer make install-dependencies make dist make test cp dist/khmer*tar.gz ../../../testenv3/ pip uninstall -y khmer; pip uninstall -y khmer; make install cd ../.. # no subdir named khmer here, safe for nosetesting installed khmer module normalize-by-median.py --version 2>&1 | grep khmer\ ${new_version}-${rc} && \ echo 2nd manual version check passed nosetests khmer --attr '!known_failing' # Is the distribution in testenv2 complete enough to build another # functional distribution? cd ../testenv3/ source bin/activate pip install -U setuptools==3.4.1 pip install khmer*tar.gz pip install nose tar xzf khmer*tar.gz cd khmer* make dist make test pip uninstall -y khmer; pip uninstall -y khmer; make install mkdir ../not-khmer pushd ../not-khmer ; nosetests khmer --attr '!known_failing' ; popd #. Publish the new release on the testing PyPI server. You will need to change your PyPI credentials as documented here: https://wiki.python.org/moin/TestPyPI. You may need to re-register:: python setup.py register --repository test Now, upload the new release:: python setup.py sdist upload -r test Test the PyPI release in a new virtualenv:: cd ../../testenv4 source bin/activate pip install -U setuptools==3.4.1 pip install screed nose pip install -i https://testpypi.python.org/pypi --pre --no-clean khmer nosetests khmer --attr '!known_failing' normalize-by-median.py --version 2>&1 | grep khmer\ ${new_version}-${rc} && \ echo 3rd manual version check passed cd build/khmer make test #. Do any final testing (BaTLab and/or acceptance tests). #. Make sure any release notes are merged into doc/release-notes/. How to make a final release --------------------------- When you've got a thoroughly tested release candidate, cut a release like so: #. Create the final tag and publish the new release on PyPI (requires an authorized account).:: cd ../../../khmer git tag v${new_version} python setup.py register sdist upload #. Delete the release candidate tag and push the tag updates to GitHub.:: git tag -d v${new_version}-${rc} git push git@github.com:dib-lab/khmer.git git push --tags git@github.com:dib-lab/khmer.git #. Add the release on GitHub, using the tag you just pushed. Name it 'version X.Y.Z', and copy and paste in the release notes. #. Make a binary wheel on OS X.:: virtualenv build cd build source bin/activate pip install -U setuptools==3.4.1 wheel pip install --no-clean khmer==${new_version} cd build/khmer ./setup.py bdist_wheel upload #. Update Read the Docs to point to the new version. Visit https://readthedocs.io/builds/khmer/ and 'Build Version: master' to pick up the new tag. Once that build has finished check the "Activate" box next to the new version at https://readthedocs.io/dashboard/khmer/versions/ under "Choose Active Versions". Finally change the default version at https://readthedocs.io/dashboard/khmer/advanced/ to the new version. #. Delete any RC tags created:: git tag -d ${new_version}-${rc} git push origin :refs/tags/${new_version}-${rc} #. Tweet about the new release. #. Send email including the release notes to khmer@lists.idyll.org and khmer-announce@lists.idyll.org BaTLab testing -------------- The UW-Madison Build and Test Lab provides the khmer project with a free cross-platform testing environment. #. Connect to their head node:: ssh mcrusoe@submit-1.batlab.org #. Move into the khmer directory and download a release from PyPI's main server or the test PyPI server:: cd khmer/ wget https://testpypi.python.org/packages/source/k/khmer/khmer-1.0.1-rc3.tar.gz vim khmer-v1.0.inputs # change the 'scp_file' to point to the release vim khmer-v1.0.run-spec # change 'project_version' at bottom nmi_submit khmer-v1.0.run-spec Setuptools Bootstrap -------------------- `ez_setup.py` is from https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/raw/bootstrap/ Before major releases it should be examined to see if there are new versions available and if the change would be useful Versioning Explanation ---------------------- Versioneer, from https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer, is used to determine the version number and is called by Setuptools and Sphinx. See the files ``versioneer.py``, the top of ``khmer/__init__.py``, ``khmer/_version.py``, ``setup.py``, and ``doc/conf.py`` for the implementation. The version number is determined through several methods: see https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer#version-identifiers If the source tree is from a git checkout then the version number is derived by ``git describe --tags --dirty --always``. This will be in the format ``${tagVersion}-${commits_ahead}-${revision_id}-${isDirty}``. Example: ``v0.6.1-18-g8a9e430-dirty`` If from an unpacked tarball then the name of the directory is queried. Lacking either of the two git-archive will record the version number at the top of ``khmer/_version.py`` via the ``$Format:%d$`` and ``$Format:%H$`` placeholders enabled by the "export-subst" entry in ``.gitattributes``. Non source distributions will have a customized ``khmer/_version.py`` that contains hard-coded version strings. (see ``build/*/khmer/_version.py`` after a ``python setup.py build`` for an example) ``ez_setup.py`` bootstraps Setuptools (if needed) by downloading and installing an appropriate version