.. This file is part of khmer, https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/, and is Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Michigan State University Copyright (C) 2015 The Regents of the University of California. It is licensed under the three-clause BSD license; see LICENSE. Contact: khmer-project@idyll.org Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Michigan State University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. 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Contact: khmer-project@idyll.org A quick guide to testing (for khmer) ==================================== This document is for contributors new to automated testing, and explains some of the motivation and logic behind the khmer project's testing approach. ---- One of our most important "secret sauces" for khmer development is that we do a fair bit of testing to make sure our code works and keeps working! * We maintain fairly complete test coverage of our code. What this means is that we have automated tests that, when run, execute most of the lines of Python and C++ code in our lib/, khmer/ and scripts/ directories. This doesn't *guarantee* things are correct, but it does mean that at least most of the code works at some basic level. * we have other tests that we run periodically (for example, before each release) -- see :doc:`release` for details. These tests check that our code works on multiple systems and with other people's software. CTB and others have written a great deal about testing, and testing in Python in particular. Here's an `introductory guide `__ CTB wrote a long time ago. You might also be interested in reading `this description of the different kinds of tests `__. For the more general motivation, see `the Lack of Testing Death Spiral `__. But... how do you do testing?? ---- First, let's talk about specific goals for testing. What should you be aiming for tests to do? You can always add more testing code, but that might not be useful if they are redundant or over-complicated. An overall rule is to "keep it simple" -- keep things as simple as possible, testing as few things as possible in each test. We suggest the following approach to writing tests for **new code**: #. Write a test that just *runs* the new code, generally by copying existing test code to a new test and changing it. Don't do anything clever for the first test -- just run something straightforward, and try to use existing data. #. Decide which use cases should be tested. This is necessarily code specific but our main advice is "don't be clever" -- write some tests to make sure that the code basically works. #. Add in tests for edge cases. By this we mean look for special cases in your code -- if statements, fence-post bound errors, etc. -- and write tests that exercise those bits of code specifically. #. Make sure tests that expect a function call to fail (esp. with fail_ok=True) are failing for the expected reason. Run the code from the command line and see what the behavior is. For troubleshooting tests, catch the error with try: ... except: or print err. For adding tests to **old code**, we recommend a mix of two approaches: #. use `"stupidity driven testing" `__ and write tests that recapitulate bugs before we fix those bugs. #. look at test coverage (see `khmer's cobertura test coverage, here `__) and identify lines of C++ or Python code that are not being executed by the current tests. Then write new tests targeting the new code. ---- Next, to add a test, you have two options: either write a new one from scratch, or copy an existing one. (We recommend the latter.) To write a new one, you'll need to know how to write tests. For getting an idea of the syntax, read this `introductory guide `__ and the `writing tests documentation from Astropy `__. Then find the right file in ``tests/*.py`` and add your test! A better approach is, frankly, to go into the existing test code, find a test that does something similar to what you want to do, copy it, rename it, and then modify it to do the new test. ---- Finally, *where* do you add new tests and how do you run just *your* test? Put new tests somewhere in ``tests/*.py``. If you have trouble figuring out what file to add them to, just put them in *some* file and we'll help you figure out where to move them when we do code review. To run one specific test rather than all of them, you can do:: ./setup.py test --addopts "tests/test_scripts.py::test_load_into_counting" Here, you're running just one test -- the test function named ``test_load_into_counting`` in the file ``test_scripts.py``. You can also use py.test directly, it is a bit less verbose:: py.test tests/test_scripts.py::test_load_into_counting