Known IssuesΒΆ

Some users have reported that will utilize more memory than it was configured for. This is being investigated in

Some FASTQ files confuse our parser when running with more than one thread. For example, while using If you experience this then add “–threads=1” to your command line. This issue is being tracked in

If your k-mer table is truncated on write, an error may not be reported; this is being tracked in However, khmer will now (correctly) fail when trying to read a truncated file (See #333).

Paired-end reads from Casava 1.8 currently require renaming for use in normalize-by-median and abund-filter when used in paired mode. The integration of a fix for this is being tracked in

Some scripts only output FASTA even if given a FASTQ file. This issue is being tracked in

A user reported that fails with small files and many threads. This issue is being tracked in

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Partitioning large data sets (50m+ reads)

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An incomplete bibliography of papers using khmer

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