An assembly handbook for khmer - rough draft


An increasing number of people are asking about using our assembly approaches for things that we haven't yet written (or posted) papers about. Moreover, our assembly strategies themselves are also under constant evolution as we do more research and find ever-wider applicability of our approaches.

Note, this is modified from Titus' blog post, here -- go check the bottom of that for comments.


This handbook distills the cumulative expertise of Adina Howe, Titus Brown, Erich Schwarz, Jason Pell, Camille Scott, Elijah Lowe, Kanchan Pavangadkar, Likit Preeyanon, and others.


khmer is really focused on short read data, and, more specifically, Illumina, because that's where we have a too-much-data problem. However, a lot of the prescriptions below can be adapted to longer read technologies such as 454 and Ion Torrent without much effort.

Don't try to use our k-mer approaches with PacBio -- the error rate is too high.

There are many blog posts about this stuff on Titus Brown's blog. We will try to link them in where appropriate.

Preparing your sequences

Do all the quality filtering, trimming, etc. that you think you should do.

The khmer tools work "out of the box" on interleaved paired-end data.

All of our scripts will take in .fq or .fastq files as FASTQ, and all other files as FASTA. gzip files are always accepted. Let us know if not; that's a bug!

Genome assembly, including MDA samples and highly polymorphic genomes

  1. Apply digital normalization as follows.

Broadly, normalize each insert library separately, in the following way:

For high-coverage libraries (> ~50x), do three-pass digital normalization: run with --cutoff=20 and then run with --cutoff=2. Now split out the remaining paired-end/interleaved and single-end reads using, and run on the paired-end and single-end files (using --unpaired-reads) with --cutoff=5.

For low-coverage libraries (< 50x) do single-pass digital normalization: run to --cutoff=10.

  1. Extract any remaining paired-end reads and lump remaining orphan reads into singletons using
  2. Then assemble as normal, with appropriate insert size specs etc. for the paired end reads.

You can read about this process in the digital normalization paper.

mRNAseq assembly

  1. Apply single-pass digital normalization. Run with --cutoff=20.
  2. Extract any remaining paired-end reads and lump remaining orphan reads into singletons using
  3. Then assemble as normal, with appropriate insert size specs etc. for the paired end reads.

You can read about this process in the digital normalization paper.

Metagenome assembly

  1. Apply single-pass digital normalization. Run with --cutoff=20 (we've also found --cutoff=10 works fine).
  2. Run sandbox/ with --cutoff=50 (if you ran with --cutoff=10) or wiht --cutoff=100 if you ran with --cutoff=20)
  3. Partition reads with, etc. etc.
  4. Assemble groups as normal, extracting paired-end reads and lumping remaining orphan reads into singletons using

(We actually use Velvet at this point, but there should be no harm in using a metagenome assembler such as MetaVelvet or MetaIDBA or SOAPdenovo.)

Read more about this in the partitioning paper. We have some upcoming papers on partitioning and metagenome assembly, too; we'll link those in when we can.

Metatranscriptome assembly

(Not tested by us!)

  1. Apply single-pass digital normalization by running with --cutoff=20.
  2. Extract any remaining paired-end reads and lump remaining orphan reads into singletons using
  3. Then assemble with a genome or metagenome assembler, not an mRNAseq assembler. Use appropriate insert size specs etc. for the paired end reads.

Preprocessing Illumina for other applications

(Not tested by us!)

Others have told us that you can apply digital normalization to Illumina data prior to using Illumina for RNA scaffolding or error correcting PacBio reads.

Our suggestion for this, based on no evidence whatsoever, is to run with --cutoff=20 on the Illumina data.

Quantifying mRNAseq or metagenomes assembled with digital normalization

For now, khmer only deals with assembly! So: assemble. Then, go back to your original, unnormalized reads, and map those to your assembly with e.g. bowtie. Then count as you normally would).

Philosophy of digital normalization

The basic philosophy of digital normalization is "load your most valuable reads first." Diginorm gets rid of redundancy iteratively, so you are more likely to retain the first reads fed in; this means you should load in paired end reads, or longer reads, first.

Iterative and independent normalization

You can use --loadgraph and --savegraph to do iterative normalizations on multiple files in multiple steps. For example, break [ ... ] file1.fa file2.fa file3.fa

into multiple steps like so: [ ... ] --savegraph file1.ct file1.fa [ ... ] --loadgraph file1.ct --savegraph file2.ct file2.fa [ ... ] --loadgraph file2.ct --savegraph file3.ct file3.fa

The results should be identical!

If you want to independently normalize multiple files for speed reasons, go ahead. Just remember to do a combined normalization at the end. For example, instead of [ ... ] file1.fa file2.fa file3.fa

you could do [ ... ] file1.fa [ ... ] file2.fa [ ... ] file3.fa

and then do a final [ ... ] file1.fa.keep file2.fa.keep file3.fa.keep

The results will not be identical, but should not differ significantly. The multipass approach will take more total time but may end up being faster walltime because you can execute the independent normalizations on multiple computers.

For a cleverer approach that we will someday implement, read the Beachcomber's Dilemma.

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